Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
We bring your GIS up to date.
2022 has seen us celebrate our 30th anniversary. 30 years of Fichtner IT Consulting means, on the one hand, 30 years of professional development of powerful GIS expert solutions and, on the other hand, many years of successful support and consulting for our clients in the energy, utilities and transport sectors.
We realize optimized GIS solutions based on the software products of leading manufacturers – such as GeoMedia, G/Technology or HxGN NetWorks from Hexagon/Intergraph – as well as solutions with open source software based on PostgreSQL, PostGIS or QGIS.
- We help you and your GIS
- to develop an optimal strategy for managing your GIS data
- to connect to corporate and information portals or to other IT systems such as SAP, ERP, and CRM systems
- to integrate your geodata into your business processes
- to plan and carry out upgrades
- in day-to-day operation.
We work with you to find the right solution. From single-user solutions to complex systems with many hundreds of editors, we know our stuff.
Exploit our experience to help you integrate your geodata and GIS into your business processes.
Our services for you:
- Analysis and system selection
- Project management and support from GIS implementation and entry
- Set-up of geodata management environments
- Implementation of specific functions
- Coupling with SAP and other third-party systems
- Integration into the customer environment
- Quality management
- Operational support
Your contact

- Christoph Wüstner
- Head of GIS projects
- christoph.wuestner @fit.fichtner .de
- +49 711 8995-1412
Further information
- Search route kilometers
Linear networks - whether rails, roads, waterways, pipes or cables - and their information are often managed in geographic information systems based on the linear referencing method. Thereby, the location and analysis of the data is done based on the length unwinding/kilometry along linear reference objects. Various GIS products (Oracle Spatial, GeoMedia, ArcGIS, and others) support this with corresponding basic functionality.
We have been using this methodology for more than 20 years in many of our GIS customer projects and have developed and implemented numerous customer-specific extensions, e.g. processing of overlengths. Our implementations are designed as GIS-specific front-end functions or as web services.
Our latest development is a QGIS plugIn for displaying kilometer value and distance based on coordinates, and vice versa, for displaying coordinate based on kilometer value and distance. The configurable PlugIn is installed as a QGIS extension and uses geo objects and functions from Oracle Spatial.
- DB-GIS – a success story
After more than 25 years, Deutsche Bahn's GIS solution (DB-GIS) is coming to the end of its useful life. The system developed by Fichtner IT Consulting on the basis of Intergraph products has been a reliable component in the railroad's IT landscape and has digitalized the entire rail network and associated infrastructure. The data generated has been used for analyses, to develop plans and to support various corporate processes within the DB Group. Fichtner IT Consulting has provided continuing services throughout the entire period and, in close coordination with DB Netz AG, developed additional add-on solution components. More than 5,000 in-house and external users have used DB-GIS and the information it contained. Two and a half decades of service quality are real proof of our sustainable, customer-focused and dependable project work.
DB-GIS will be replaced by AVANI, which has been developed jointly by Hexagon and Fichtner IT Consulting in line with DB's current requirements.
- Agile working with SAFe®
For several years, various of our projects and teams have been working in line with the SAFe® agile framework, and we have also acquired certifications as a "Certified SAFe® Agilist".
SAFe® is based on seven core competencies:
- Lean-Agile Leadership
- Team and Technical Agility
- Agile Product Delivery
- Enterprise Solution Delivery
- Lean Portfolio Management
- Organizational Agility
- Continuous Learning Culture
SAFe® enables us to increase productivity, quality and value added in shorter delivery cycles. And we attain greater flexibility, a changed culture of collaboration, faster and more direct feedback, and continuous improvement in our work.
- Framework contract partner SBB Informatik
To secure smooth operation and the continuing development of geographical information systems (GIS) – and after 5 years of intensive collaboration –, SBB Informatik has once again commissioned Fichtner IT Consulting as a framework contract partner. Together with SBB and other partners, we develop solutions and support various teams with the following competencies:
- GIS know-how, knowledge of and experience with GIS systems
- Business analysis, software development, incl. documentation, and unit testing with SQL, PL/SQL, VB.NET, and Delphi
- Know-how of G/Technology products (metadata model, architecture, programming)
- Maintenance, operation, support and technical project management as part of an agile team (BizDevOps)