Fast grid connection check at envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH (MITNETZ STROM), Germany

What currently takes an average of five to ten weeks functions in real time with the solution now provided by MITNETZ STROM: Operators who want to connect a generating plant to the grid are now able to identify the location of the potential grid connection point in relation to the desired location of their plant. In cooperation with MITNETZ STROM and DIgSILENT, Fichtner IT Consulting has developed a web portal: the Fast Network Connection Check (Schnelle Netzanschluss-Prüfung or SNAP for short). This is intended to make it easier for operators of decentralized generating plants to access the medium-voltage grid. Automated processes, geographically supported by HERE map services, enable eastern Germany's largest distribution system operator to cope with the continually increasing number of connection applications for, e.g. renewables plants. This freely accessible web platform is now online, and includes a number of extended functions.