App for specialist personnel deployment planning, with maintenance and in-service support, AMG GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

Ranking among the suppliers of motor vehicles most steeped in tradition, Daimler AG manufactures high-performance premium cars through its subsidiary, Mercedes-AMG GmbH. Fichtner IT Consulting was commissioned to "design and implement an IT solution in the engine shop with a number of production lines" to support deployment planning of operational personnel in its manufacturing facilities. The objective is to completely reconfigure the existing software and replace it with a state-of-the-art system to so consolidate the functionally complex application that has evolved over time and to facilitate prompt implementation of new requirements as they arise. The solution concept of this new specialist app, DB4/KEKS, is based on up-to-date web architecture and ORACLE APEX software already established at Mercedes-AMG GmbH. The users in the production line operate this installation-free app via conventional web browsers or a mobile terminal, so local downloading is not required. In addition, FIT provides maintenance and support services for day-to-day operation as well as further development and documentation of the APEX DB4 app.