Study on further development of power system management, E.ON edis, Fürstenwalde, Germany

The client, as distribution network operator in North Germany, is having its operations particularly affected by the strong growth of installations falling under the renewable energy feed-in law on all grid levels. As part of a pilot smart grid project, Fichtner prepares a study for next generation power system management. Considered is the whole scope of information processing and transmission, with measured data acquisition, control of network components and interconnections with near-process IT systems, plus tie-in of business management and communications with energy market players. Critical aspects are increasing decentralization and the interconnectedness of automation/SCADA with IT and communications systems. Added to the previous requirements of reliability and robustness of the entire system are increased demands for flexibility to cope with possible development of smart grids and managing the risks arising from this growing interconnectedness of ITC and automation systems, with cybersecurity playing an important role.