Integrated Lock Management for Waterways, Regensburg Water and Navigation Authority, Regensburg, Germany

[Translate to EN:] Schleusenmanagementlösung

The Authority contracted Fichtner IT Consulting to design and develop a lock management solution, including an electronic traffic log. The aim is to optimize waiting times at the locks and lock capacity utilization, and minimize overall boat travel time, for which purpose, among other things, an optimization algorithm and an interface to the automatic identification system (AIS) for ships are to be implemented.


Further, the software solution ´´lock management system´´ will assist the shift supervisor during his day-to-day work, which at present is largely done manually. In a first step, the software solution shall find application as a pilot system on the River Danube at Regensburg Control Center, covering locks at Bad Abbach, Regensburg, Geisling and Straubing, as well as for the local operating control stations at Kachlet and Jochenstein. The services encompass designing the system as a whole and making it operationally ready through installation, customizing and integration of its components. Subsequently, the outcome of the pilot trials will find application at other German waterways.