Upgrade from InterNETZ to G!NIUS, Wasserversorgung Weißeritzgruppe GmbH, Dresden, Germany
The client intends to replace its existing network information system InterNETZ with the same manufacturer's recommended successor product G!NIUS (upgrade). The InterNETZ system itself and the necessary versions of the basic components and the underlying operating systems (Windows 2003 Server and WindowsXP) have become obsolete and the manufacturer now provides limited maintenance or none at all. In addition, the existing system can only be integrated into modern Internet technology at significant expense. For this reason, an upgrade is urgently recommended.
For this upgrade, Fichtner IT Consulting AG is providing appropriate project-supporting services with regard to design, implementation, migration and project management. The software products for the network information system (NIS) are to be supplied and installed by Intergraph.